Characteristics of studies

The school provides academic type of education. According to their interests and future professional area they want to pursue, students attending the last two senior years select their study specialization, namely natural science, technical, social science or general. In the senior year the optional subjects within the specialization make up over 30% of the lessons taught weekly. Furthermore, based on their interests, students can focus on working on their profile by opting for voluntary subjects. Having completed enhanced foreign language primary schooling, students entering our school carry on mastering their skills in specifically designed groups within a particular class or form based on a preliminary placement test.
Four foreign languages are taught in our school, English, German, Russian and French (referring to students´ requirements).
Being admitted to a six-year study programme brings along a distinct advantage in terms of managing textbook material comprehension sooner, getting used to secondary school methods of schooling more rapidly and different weekly lesson allowance, especially in foreign languages, ICT, natural science and social science, compared with primary school curriculums.
Students are offered to develop their abilities and skills in voluntary subjects such as English or German communication and prep clubs and become ready to take international examinations like Cambridge exams in English, DELF in French or Zertifikat Deutsch in German.
Therefore, typically, primary school pupils enrolling for a six-year study programme in our school are those considering an academic type of secondary schooling and having a focus on pursuing their studies further on at a higher professional school, college or university. A fully qualified academic team of our teachers is a guarantee for students at Gymnázium Hranice to increase their knowledge and develop their abilities and skills.
During their attendance, students take part in a skiing and snowboarding course (Year 1 of a four-year study programme and Year 3 of a six-year study programme) and a sports course (Year 3 of a four-year study programme and Year 5 of a six-year study programme). Also, as part of particular subjects’ curriculums, they go on field trips or have a possibility of going on educational and sightseeing trips abroad.
Secondary education completion
The maturita exam consists of the state and profile parts. Students complete their secondary education by the maturita exam if they pass its both parts. Students can take the maturita exam as soon as they have successfully completed the senior year of studies.
The state part of the maturita exam includes 2 compulsory exams (the Czech language and literature, Foreign language or Mathematics). Both exams are held in the form of a standardised achievement test.
The profile part of the maturita exam includes oral exams in the Czech language and literature, and two other compulsory subjects. In addition to this, the Czech language and literature and Foreign language exams are held in the form of writing paper.
The school offers the following subjects in the profile part: English, German, Russian, French, Social studies, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and ICT.
The student passes the maturita exam on condition that he/she passes all compulsory exams of the state and profile parts.
The student must register for the maturita exam by December 1st at the latest for the particular year. The application includes, among others, the names of the selected subjects of the state and profile parts including non-compulsory exams.
If a student takes at least 4 compulsory exams in the profile part of the maturita exam,
1 compulsory exam of the profile part of the maturita exam held in a foreign language can be replaced by the result of a successfully passed standardised exam in this language evidenced by a language certificate.
Gymnázium Hranice graduates
Our school´s graduates are prepared for further studies at a higher professional school, college or university. Their success rate in the admissions procedure is almost 100%.